St Bartholomew's Church

St Bartholomew’s Church


Fr Arthur Douglas Wagner (1824 – 1902) built several churches in the city, including St Bartholomew's. He had a clear vision about the role and mission of the Church in this area, a vision that included: the promotion of the Christian faith in its catholic fullness, a single-minded commitment to the poor and vulnerable, and the promotion of education.


Those priorities set out by Fr Wagner over a hundred years ago still undergird the mission of the parish today. The church has a close association with our school. The parish clergy, Father Ben and Father Philip, visit each week for collective worship and keep in close contact with Ms Blood about the life of the school. Prayers are offered regularly at church for all the staff, pupils and families of our school and pupils and staff are welcomed into church for collective worship at different points in the school year.


St Bartholomew’s is part of the Church of England and is rooted in the Anglo-Catholic tradition, which emphasises the importance of beauty and reverence in worship, particularly in the Mass (the Eucharist). As a school community we regularly celebrate Mass and children are offered the opportunity to explore the Christian faith and to develop their Christian discipleship.


If you or your child have questions about the Christian faith, or if you would like to explore Baptism or Confirmation please feel free to be in touch with Ms Blood, who will put you in touch with the clergy. You can also visit the church website at